78th Annual CSSRA · May 30, 31, June 1,  2025

 Weigh in Rules

  1. All coxswains and lightweight competitors must weigh in each day they race
  2. The official weigh in periods will be as follows:
    Friday: 7am to 9am ;
    Saturday: two hours before the first race until two hours after the first race;
    Sunday: 6:00am to 7:15am
    The above weigh-in times are subject to change based upon the Preliminary Regatta Draw Official Weigh-in times will be posted at the Regatta site. Priority Weigh in schedule will be posted at the regatta site, based upon the regatta draw. The Priority weigh-in schedule will run for the first 90 minutes of the Friday and Saturday schedule.
  3. Athletes must weigh in as a crew and be accompanied by a coach or school official during weigh in.
  4. In the case of any dispute the Chief of the scales and registrar will communicate only with the crew’s coach or school official.
  5. All competitors including coxswains, will weigh in wearing the same school rowing uniforms. No one will be weighed in wearing more or less clothing
  6. Re-weighs will not be permitted. Athletes are only allowed to step on the scale once per day per event they are entered in!
  7. All weights for coxswains requiring extra weight will be supplied at the scales and will be the only weights recognized by the officials. 
  8. During the official weigh in periods checking weights will not be permitted, a test scale is available at the bottom of the staircase between the two boathouses and is open all day.
  9. NO crew changes will be accepted in the weigh in room. All changes must be made with the registrar by 4pm. the day prior to the first race of that event in the regatta office.
  10. The minimum weight for coxswains is 45kg for both male and female, The maximum deadweight carried will be 10kg.
  11.  There will be 2 lightweight categories for both Male and Female Events:
  12. MEN:        Lightweight – Maximum 66 Kilograms, Mid-Weight – Maximum 72.5 Kilograms
  13. WOMEN: Lightweight – Maximum 59 Kilograms, Mid-Weight – Maximum 63 Kilograms
  14. An individuals’ weight determines eligibility. There is no averaging of the athletes’ weights in the weight class events.  The stated weight is the maximum an individual may weigh.


  1. Any crew changes must be approved with the registrar in the regatta office by 4pm the day prior to the first heat of the event  Please bring copies of all your entries. Crew changes are not allowed in the weigh-in room.
  2. When you arrive to weigh in you are to report to one of the marshals at the bottom of the weigh in room stairs. Report only when all of your crew members are in attendance. If you are called and your entire crew is not present, you will not be allowed to proceed to the scales. A coach or school official must accompany each crew.
  3. Each competitor must be dressed in their racing uniform, have Photo ID in their Hand (either school issued photo ID or goverment issued photo ID with a birthdate), and know the time of their race(s)
  4. competitors will leave their back pack, bags, etc. at school trailer, tent or at the bottom of the stairs to the weigh-in room.
  5. When you reach the scales, please line your crew up from bow to stern and have photo ID ready.
  6. The first ninety minutes of Friday’s and Saturday’s weigh in schedule is based upon the scheduled times of the races. The weigh in ‘windows’ with their respective race times will be posted at the regatta site. During the weigh in window crews will be allowed to weigh in only for one race and will have priority for fifteen minutes. If your crew misses its weigh in window they will have to wait until they can be accommodated.
  7. At all other times, weigh-ins will occur on a first come first served basis, based upon when you reported with your crew to the marshal at the bottom of the weigh in room stairs.
  8. Be patient, we will get you all through as fast as we can.
  9. Any verbal abuse of weigh in officials will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Rules of Racing.


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