78th Annual CSSRA · May 30, 31, June 1, 2025

Practice times & procedures
Coaches and crews are to be familiar with the different traffic patterns for practice and racing prior to going on the water.
Practice times will be posted on site.
CSSRA practices times: the course opens at 12:00am(Noon) on the Thursday prior to the Championships and dock closes 7:30pm, all crews must be off the water by 8:00pm. All practice times are Weather permitting and regatta scheduling. Morning practice times will commence no earlier than 5:45am on Friday and Saturday and Sunday.
- Visiting out-of-town crews will be permitted to use the course only between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., on Tuesday, Wednesday. Thursday visiting crews will be allowed on the water at any time after 8:00am until 8:00pm prior to the CSSRA Regatta. Schools need to make arragenments with the local clubs for use of any marshaling boats
- Local clubs will make three marshal boats available for use during the above-noted times.
- Out-of-town boats will not be permitted on the water unless there are three marshal boats on the water for the duration of the workout. The three marshal boats will be located in the following areas: Start, 1000 m, and finish.
- No crews will be permitted on the water until such time as three marshal boats have embarked.
The only exception to the above-noted rule is that if only one or two crews are on the water, they may proceed provided that there is one marshaling boat with each such crew. However, if a third crew then goes on the water, it will be necessary that the third marshal boat embark, and each marshal boat then will take up stationary positions at the start, 1000 m and finish. - In addition to the foregoing, the crews on the water will be required to follow all local safety rules including course traffic patterns which are posted on site and on the web site, and all federal boating regulations.
The dock will close one hour(60min.) before the first race. All crews practicing must be off the water one half hour(30min.) before the first race of the day. Yellow cards may be issued to those that are late off the water.
Evening practice times will commence after the conclusion of the last race of the day.
On water practices will be allowed only if scheduling and weather conditions permit. Practices will be permitted when three (3) monitoring boats are in place on the course. You must know and follow the course traffic pattern for practice.
Please note that crews failing to observe the above procedures and the posted traffic patterns may be issued a yellow card.
The Starting gates will be closed during all practice times due to traffic patterns.
Dock Procedures
In order to be more efficient in assuring our timetables are met without inconvenience and distress to the athletes and coaches, the following protocol will be followed to make the use of the docks safer and more efficient:
- All schools hot seating are to report this to the registrar and the dock master so the dock master can direct the incoming boat(s) to the section of the dock reserved for outgoing crews so as to not tie up dock space for incoming boats changing personnel, and making sure these boats are docked on the outside. Schools hot seating will not be issued a bow number until reporting to the registrar at least one half hour before race time.
- Only coaches with the correct wristband will be allowed on the launch dock.
- All athletes must have the correct wristband to enter the launch dock.
- Only competitors that have checked with the registration, coaches and their assistants will be allowed on the dock when launching (exceptions allowed at the discretion of the dock master). No athletes that are not competing are not allowed on the dock wearing the teams uniform.
- Teams must remove all personal belongings from the dock after launching and after removing shell from the water.
- All crews will be required to bring oars with them when launching and people to retrieve oars when docking after racing.
- Each athlete must carry and show their Photo ID at the Control Commission before launching their shell
- Any verbal abuse of Regatta Officials and Volunteers will result in disciplinary action as outlined in the Rules of Racing.